BRRR it's Cold!!!
Hello ladies, how is everyone today? I hope good and warm. I'm pretty good.It is really chilli this morning.I guess winters on it's way . I want to congratulate Blue and her family on the arrival of their little girl on Saturday!! I went and had my hair done Friday. I didn't get a new style like I wanted because I couldn't figure out what it was that I wanted. I got it highlighted with a toner and all the yucky stringy dead ends cut off and had her do long layers. OMG it looks so much fuller. Everyone loves the color. I think it may be a bit to light but they say it isn't. I tried to take a pic of it but they weren't turning out good at all...lolSunday I got up early and went shopping with my mom. We went to Target and Kohls. I didn't get anything from Target but I got a few tops and a suede coat which I needed badly. When I got home I finished getting Little Guy ready to go see Boaters mom, sister, neice and nephew. We had a pretty good time after that we all went over to see his Aunt and grandmom and his grandmom could not believe how big Little Guy's getting but it has been about 6 or 7 months since they have seen him.Yesterday I had to get up early again to go and get a no menses workup, which is bloodwork and a vaginal ultrasound. They have to make sure your not pregnant before they give you anything to take to bring on your cycle. The good thing is they call you the same day . The lady who did the ultrasound said my lining was very thick and that I should go and stock up on pads or whatever cuz it's gonna be a bad one =( So I got the go ahead to start the provera but he only has me taking it for 5 days instead of 10. I just hope that it brings on my cycle and that since I'm not taking it for that long that it won't be to heavy and will stop before cd 10 so I can get this HSG done. We took Little Guy with us yesterday and after we got there Boater read a booklet that says they would rather you not bring children with you so you don't hurt the other ladies feeling that are having a hard time getting pregnant. So I had Boater take Little Guy down to the truck. So now I'll have to find someone to watch Little Guy everytime I go which will probably be a lot =( Boater had his SA done Friday. My nurse did call me back yesterday and told me that they have most of my test back but were missing some so she called the lab this morning and they missed a few so now I have to go and get them done again next week when I go get another CBC done.I finally made my appointment to go and get this impression for a crown. I go tomorrow afternoon. It was so nice this past month or so to not go to the dentist but I should only have like 2 more visits maybe three if I get the zoom done.Welp I gotta go, I hope everyones doing good!! Take Care!!TTFN
Hello everyone, how's it going? It's going ok here. Most of you know that I got some of my bloodwork back and my white blood count is elevated. Which means infection, I was so worried and still am I went to the doctors yesterday about it and she thinks it's from this cold I got at the end of last month and still have this cough that won't go away, so she gave me azithromycin to take and I need to go and get another CBC (complete blood count) done in 2 weeks. Boater had to go also to get a referral for the SA (Semen Analysis) he has to get done which I thought was funny, he never needed a referral the other 2 times he did it. I was so surprised she didn't have him go for chest x-rays he coughs all the time, she did give him an antibiotic and an inhaler. She does want him to come in for a physical.Here I am waiting for them to give me the go ahead to start the provera to bring on my cycle and I found out today that I have to go in for a no menses workup which is more bloodwork and an ultrasound and this is only done in the morning between 7:30-9 AM so I'm going Monday at 8:30 since Boater is off. I read all my paperwork they gave me except that duh!! I could have done this 2 weeks ago =( I just want to get this 100 and something day cycle and then this upcomming wasted cycle over with and move on to one were we will actually be trying to get pregnant, and I just pray that I won't bleed to long so I can get this HSG (hysterosalpingogram) done . They got back all of Boaters infectious disease bloodwork which was negative of course and my Cystic fibrosis test which was also negative. They are still waiting on my infectious disease bloodwork and what ever else they test the female for like hormones to some back. We will probably be going to do that hypnosis to quit smoking in the next week or two ahhh I hope it works that will give us an extra almost $500 a month. Little Guy is doing good, he's still my little stinker =) Welp I guess thats it. I hope everyone's having a good week. Take Care!!TTFN
Howdy =)
Hello Ladies, how are ya's? I hope your having a nice weekend! I'm doing good. I'm bored and a little tired today. I noticed I haven't posted anything in the last week so i figured I would since it would pass the time...lolWe were suppose to have the Bathroom redone starting Tuesday but the guy who was suppose to come cut himself and had to go to the hospital, so they sent anohter guy out Wednesday. It was suppose to be a 2 day job but the guy got it done in one which was cool. He was here for 12 hrs. I did not want to go through another day of chasing Little Guy around so he wouldn't get into the guys stuff. Boater started putting the new sink and toilet in Thursday but was having problems with the sink. So Friday we had to go get bloodwork done for the RE and I had to get that bloodwork my PCP wanted. That was crazy, Little Guy wouldn't listen kept running around the place playing with the water thingy. They call us back and he was trying to get into the medical waste trash and playing with the sink. I'm just glad Boater didn't have that much blood work to be done, so he took him outside while I finished up. They took 9 vales (sp) from me. I did get a paper in the mail saying that my renal ultrasound came back normal. After we did that we picked my mom up at work since she didn't drive in and it was right next to the place we were getting the bloodwork done. We had to go to Home Depot for some stuff for the bathroom. Boater got most of it done yesterday. Here's some pic's they are not that great it's a small bathroom. I didn't get before pic's =(
The walls above the tile are a light blue. It's hard to see on the pic's and when your in so we might get a little darker blue and just pray we don't get anything on It also needs a new vent cover which we forgot to pick up.Yesterday I noticed Spot (Little Guys pet frog or toad the dentist gave him) just didn't look good so I got something to just poke him with and he was hard as a rock (eeewww) Little Guy was so upset he was crying and he said he had to get another one, so we will probably have a little funeral for him when Boater gets back from getting yet another motor for his boat. I wish my period would just come already I am on cd 100 today =( I want to get these other tests done so we can get on with it. I am tired of I'm going to get my hair done this coming Friday. I'm not really sure what I want. I do know I want it highlighted to try and cover up some of this gray hair. I want something different. My hair has gotten so thin in like the last 2 yrs so I need volume. I may get a perm not sure, I've been looking at hairstyles on here but haven't found anything I like. I hope I can find something I like. Welp I guess thats it. I hope everyone's having a great weekend!! Take Care!!TTFN
Here's the Little Stinker =)
Hello peps , how are ya's? I'm pretty good. We went and met with the RE today and we really liked him. He wants to get test done. I have to have a lot of bloodwork done and a HSG (hysterosalpingogram) It is an x-ray procedure performed to determine whether the fallopian tubes are open and to see if the shape of the uterine cavity is normal. This test has to be done between cd 5-10 I just hope I don't bleed that long because I won't be able to get the test done. I have to also get bloodwork and a vaginal ultrasound done on cd 3. Boater has to get a SA (Semen Analysis) done and he is able to do it in the privacy of our home =) he just has to have it there with in an hr so thats cool. after all the tests are done then we will meet back up with the RE and go from there. I think he wants to do an IUI (intrauterine insemination) The good thing about going to him is that they monitor you, they take blood test on cd 3 and ultrasounds to see how your eggs are developing. I am a little confussed as to when I have to get what test done but the nurse wrote it all down for me so I'll look over it when Little Guy's in bed. I am also on prenatal multivitamins. He didn't take me off the metformin =( but he gave me the extended release, it's suppose to be more gental on your stomach, he said that it actually helps the clomid and other medicines I may be taking. and I was like well I've been taking it since the end of May and it's not doing anything but making me run to the bathroom. He said that it could take up to 8-9 months to actually see if it's working or not. I can't think of anything else right now my head is still spinning. Ohh and of course he wants Boater and I to quit smoking which we have been talking a lot about so the nurse gave us a booklet on stop smoking in one hr. They do hypnosis it's cost $450.00 but if you happen to pick smoking back up then you can go back as many times as need be for free. We will probably be doing this. I also went and had my renal ultrasound done, the tech said everything look good even though there not suppose to discuss that with you. I am hoping to maybe get all the bloodwork I need done from my PCP & RE on Monday. I just want to get these test done asap. I hope everyone had a good day and have a great weekend. Take Care!!TTFN
Getting Anxious!!
Hello ladies, how is everyone doing? I'm doing pretty good. My cough is finally going away. Most of you know that the RE's office called me Tuesday they had an opening for Friday and of course I took it wooo hooo, then afterwards I was worried that Boater wouldn't be able to get off. I tried to get him to switch with someone but he's gonna go in till 9 that will give him 5 hrs so I guess thats better then nothing. They switched his days off again he now has off Sundays and Mondays one week and Sundays the next which is ok he has a day off on the weekends but he won't be getting what they call premium pay =( He told them he didn't want off on Sundays but he don't really have any seniority and the other guys don't want to give up that money.I figured since he would be home early I would call the radiology place I have to go to to get that renal ultrasound, to see if I needed an appointment so I go tomorrow at 2:30 . I have to drink 16 oz of water an hr before and I can't go to the potty hmmm I wonder what that has to do with my kidneys. The only other thing I have to get done is the bloodwork and I'm not looking forward to that because I can't eat or drink for 12 hrs which I am fine with the not eating part. Ohhh I remember what it's called when your blood pressure is only up when you go to the doctors. "White Coat Syndrome"...lolI have to call the dentist and make an appointment to get this impression done for my crown and 2 cavities filled then I am done =) I've been putting it off since i had a cold . I also have to get these old eyes checked .Boaters first son turned 18 yesterday. I wish I knew of a way to find him so he can be a part of our lives. I would love for Boater to get to know him and for Little Guy to know his half brother . I did make Boater up a myspace page just incase. I know a lot of ppl have found ppl on there so all I can do is pray. I even found 2 friends I knew when I was a kid. I know his son is probably hurt that Boater hasn't been in his life but the boys mom made that very hard. The last time Boater went to see him she had him arrested under false pretensions. I just hope his son understands and will be able to forgive him.I have noticed that Little Guy is acting a little better so hopefully he's getting out of that terrible 2 stage. Boater took him yesterday to get his hair cut. No more curls =(Boater finally talked to his mother the other day and I think he's taking Little Guy to see her this weekend, which kinda upsets me because the woman hasn't even called to see how her grandson is doing in over 6 months then all of a sudden Boaters gonna take him to see her . If it was up to me I wouldn't take him and I know I'm wrong but thats just how I feel.Well I guess I jabbered enough. I hope everyones good. Take Care!!TTFN