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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Hello, how are ya's? I'm doing ok I guess =) Thought I would get on here and update.
I went to the doctors Friday for another scan and bloodwork. I still had the same amount of follies but no yet that they could measure. So they wanted me to come in Monday for another scan and more bloodwork (I swear I'm gonna look like a junkie) So I go in yesterday which was CD 17 and guess what?? Still nothing they could measure (meaning nothing maturing) and I had less follies
=( So you have to wait till the afternoon to find out what your next step is. The nurse calls me and tells me my doctor wants me to come in Thursday for another scan and bloodwork. I asked her do you really think there will be something there, I mean I am on CD 17 and theres nothing to measure and it's getting late in my cycle for me to ovulate, she said that if there is nothing there Thursday then the doctor wants to cancel this cycle. I just went a head and asked if I could cancel it now and start the prometrium so we can start another cycle. She called me back and told me the doctor said that was fine and that we will be doing 100 mgs of clomid this up coming cycle instead of 50 mgs. So come on 13-15 days so I can start a new cycle and hope and pray I have some follies that are maturing this time around. I soo hope I did the right thing I guess it wasn't Deja Vu like I had last posted =(

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Deja Vu!!

Hello , how is everyone? I'm doing ok I guess. I named this post Deja Vu because that's what I feel this cycle is. I feel like I am reliving my cycle from last month all over again.
I went in Tuesday morning for my CD 11 follie scan and bloodwork. Once again I have a bunch of small follies but nothing they can measure. So then I had to wait for the nurse to call me back to let me know what I'm to do now. I had to go for my yearly check up so I didn't get to talk to the nurse. This is the message she left. She said my estrogen was 78 and my LH was 10 don't ask me what this means cuz I have no clue. She said I had 15 follies on my right ovary all less then 10 mm and 10 on my left all less then 10 mm. I have to go back Friday (tomorrow) for another follie scan and bloodwork. See Deja Vu. The days are even the same so far. I hope there will be more then one that they can measure tomorrow.
I had to get my yearly done since it was over a yr since my last one and the RE's nurse kept bugging me about it. I had to go to a different doctor well I didn't have to but after cussing out my old ob/gyn's office I was to embarrassed to go back. So I went to the doctor I had when I was pregnant with Little Guy. She don't deliver babies anymore =( She has her office at her home now. She must have just had it built because is smells new and it is so nice. She has a lot of land, she also had 2 horses. Of course Little Guy saw that when we pulled up so while I was getting my exam Boater and him went out to see the horses. It went well so now I just have to wait for the results from the pap to come back. Little Guy is still talking about going to the doctors and seeing the
Not to much else going on. I hope everyones having a nice week and that your taking care of yourselves!!!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Not Much!!

Hello , how are ya's? I'm doing ok I guess. I'm getting so tired of this TTC I really don't know how much more I can take. I don't understand why some girls/women that won't be good mothers druggies and so forth are able to have children but kind caring loving ones have a hard time. I just hope it will happen soon. It's been a year and 3 months well actually on my 7th month with help. I started a new cycle on Saturday and boy is it a doozie. I had to go in yesterday for a CD 3 workup but they only did the ultrasound (gross) since they did bloodwork last week. I got the go ahead to start the clomid. I'll be going next Tuesday for my first follie scan. I am hoping that there will be at least 2 that they can measure, unlike last time when there were none until cd 14 and then I only had one. I did get a little piturbed (sp) that they didn't up my dose of clomid. I don't want to use up all my money for infertility treatments on our insurance on IUI's I only want to do a few then I guess it will be IVF if the IUI's don't work =( not sure. I am going to ask my RE what the next step is going to be.
Little Guy is doing good. I was surprised at how much I missed him Sunday night when he stayed over his grandmoms so I could go to the doctors yesterday.
Welp I guess thats it. I know you all are probably getting tired of all this TTC talk. Well I hope you all have a nice week!! Take Care!!
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