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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Hello, how are ya's? I'm doing ok I guess =) Thought I would get on here and update.
I went to the doctors Friday for another scan and bloodwork. I still had the same amount of follies but no yet that they could measure. So they wanted me to come in Monday for another scan and more bloodwork (I swear I'm gonna look like a junkie) So I go in yesterday which was CD 17 and guess what?? Still nothing they could measure (meaning nothing maturing) and I had less follies
=( So you have to wait till the afternoon to find out what your next step is. The nurse calls me and tells me my doctor wants me to come in Thursday for another scan and bloodwork. I asked her do you really think there will be something there, I mean I am on CD 17 and theres nothing to measure and it's getting late in my cycle for me to ovulate, she said that if there is nothing there Thursday then the doctor wants to cancel this cycle. I just went a head and asked if I could cancel it now and start the prometrium so we can start another cycle. She called me back and told me the doctor said that was fine and that we will be doing 100 mgs of clomid this up coming cycle instead of 50 mgs. So come on 13-15 days so I can start a new cycle and hope and pray I have some follies that are maturing this time around. I soo hope I did the right thing I guess it wasn't Deja Vu like I had last posted =(


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