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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

1 Week Down 1 More To Go!!

Hello, how are ya's? I'm doing pretty good I guess. It's been one week since the IUI and I am getting very anxious. I am having major doubts that it worked. I have had sore bbs but cracked that up to being the trigger shot since it does contain the pregnancy hormone. I tested today to see if the trigger was still in my system and it was a neg so YAY thats gone now I can obsess over or lack there of. I still have sore bbs and a little cramping but I think it may be from the prometrium (progesterone) they have me taking vaginally twice a day. I know I'm suppose to be thinking positive but it's hard when BFN (big fat negatives) is all you get. I'm thinking about testing at home before I go get the blood test on the 27th even though I won't get the results till the afternoon. I just don't want to be bawling like a big baby when they call to tell me it's a BFN.
It has been 4 months today since I smoked a cigarette!!! WOO HOOO!!
Everything else is going good. Boater hasn't called his first son since we went to lunch and he hasn't called Boater either. Boater is a little upset on how he left with out really saying goodbye. I hope he calls him tonight but we will see. I hope everyones having a good day. Take Care!!!


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