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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Rough Day!!

Hello, how's everyone? I'm doing ok I guess. I had a really rough day yesterday.
I went yesterday morning for my cd 11 workup. They take blood and check for follicals to see how many you have and what size they are. Well the tech said my lining was perfect but didn't have any follicals on either ovary that she could messure. There were a bunch of small ones. I asked if this cycle was a bust and she said no not yet that I may have to take more meds she wasn't sure. I was so upset I almost bawled my eyes out right there but I waited till I got in the truck. So my nurse called me this afternoon after the doctor looks over my ultrasound and bloodwork and said that he wants me to come in on Friday for another look which will be cd 14. I asked the nurse what happens if there is no change and she said that some woman go till cd 20.
I had Boater call his ex because she wanted us to go out to dinner and we haven't heard from her in like 2 weeks. Well a little bit after he got off the phone he said to me "she said something that is bothering me" so I was like ok what was it he said that she said that she talked with their son and he don't want to meet me right now, that I am to pushy because I made a myspace page and aired out their business". I was both hurt and pissed more hurt though. I doubt he has even seen the myspace page to begin with. All I have on Boater's space is where it has who I like to meet I put his first son. I didn't put his name or anything else and further more there he hardley has any friends on his myspace and bearly gets any visitors. I made that myspace for Boater in the hopes that maybe his son myspaced and if he ever looked Boater up then he would see that Boater wanted to meet him. Also ppl that know Boater know he has another son I mean come on. I just don't know how someone can judge you with out even knowing you.


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