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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sooo Bored!!

Hi! How's it going? It's been pretty boring here. I feel great and am healing pretty good. The incisions are still tender but thats it. I went for my follow up last week and he said they looked good and to take it easy for the next 10 days.
Well I had to wait almost 2 weeks to go in for a no menses workup to get this cycle a kick start because they wanted to make sure my liver enzymes where back to normal so I go tomorrow morning for that (Thanks Mom) and hopefully will start it with in 13 day's.
Boater has his taxes done already we should actually be getting it tomorrow WOO HOO. He is getting a great refund this yr (8 thousand back). I think some of the reason is that he made 20 thousand more this yr and that we saved a lot of the receipts from the dentist and the doctors and prescriptions. So we will from now on save everything. They even put down the money it cost in gas back and forth from the doctors.
Boater went Tuesday out to lunch with his Ex and their son. He said he had a really good time. I think he'll be taking Little Guy to go meet him next time. Little Guy is excited to have a brother but you know at his age he dosen't really understand. Boater finally got a picture of him while they were out. His ex is suppose to send some of his graduation pictures also. It's funny how you picture ppl and they are like totally different. The last picture Boater got of his son was when he was like 5 so you kinda base what you think he would look like at 18. Wow was I surprised. He doesn't really look like Boater he has some features like his nose and chin but thats about it. Boater took my camera with him and they looked at the pictures of Little Guy and his ex said that he was a cute kid but didn't look anything like Boater Ummm hello he looks just like him I think
Little Guy is doing good. He got to play in a wee wittle bit of snow yesterday and he was over the He is getting so smart. Ohh I'm not sure if I posted this before or not but he is potty trained has been right before he turned 3 YAY!!! I think I'm gonna call the church across the street and see if they are excepting any kids.


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