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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What an Experience!!

Hello!!! How is everyone? I hope good. I'm doing good. I had a little stay in the hospital the last few days. I have had these attacks ever since I had Little Guy. It's horrible chest pain like someone turning a knife in there with horrible gas and vomiting. I haven't had one in like 2 years. Well Wednesday night I got all comfy after my guys went to bed and started watching my shows from the day. I had a snack of pepperoni and crackers. I woke up at 5 AM with what I thought was heartburn so that lasted about 1 hr. I got up Thursday and felt pretty good I ate some pepperoni on my sandwich for lunch and had hotdogs with cheese and salsa mm yumm for dinner. At around 10 PM I started with again what I thought was heartburn so I got a zantact from my mom and and it just got worse I had that attack from 10 pm till about 2:45 am when I finally vomited. Well I knew then I was having what we thought were gall bladder attacks. I got up Friday and felt pretty good. I didn't really have anything to eat but crackers and a little bit of chips which again was a bad choice on my part. I started feeling bad again. Boater was like this is enough you need to go to the ER . I really didn't want to go but decided to get a shower and go, well while I was in the shower the pain went away so I told Boater I didn't know if I still wanted to go or not. I really don't have anyone to watch Little Guy, but he still thought I should go. I went to the bathroom to do my hair still debating whether or not I should go and had to I knew then there was something wrong. My pee was a color I have never ever seen pee be before like a bright orangeie yellow color. So we took Little Guy over Boater moms and off to the ER we went. It wasn't that busy and I was seen in no time. I told them I thought it was a gall bladder attack so they did blood work and a gall bladder ultrasound. The ultrasound showed I had gall stones and my blood work showed my liver enzymes where through the roof so of course they admitted me. I saw a surgen that night sometime. He said that I had passed a gall stone and most likely it got stuck in my bile duct since my liver enzymes were elevated and that I needed a MRI to see if there was one in there or not if there was then they would have to do a procedure call an ERCP (click here if your interested ) which this artical says you get a sedative during the procedure but they actually knocked me out thank goodness. I was also a little jaundice. So I had to wait till Sunday for the MRI ( which is another story) and as you probably already figured out I had one stuck in there. I got the ERCP on Monday and of course the stone passed in between the MRI and the ERCP but everything went great so they gave me the option of going home and coming back to get my gall bladder removed or staying and having it removed the next day. Well duh I'm already here I would be stupid to go home (still in pain) just to go through all the red tape again. So I got the darn thing out Tuesday morning and came home Tuesday night. It was done Laparoscopic so hopefully the healing process won't be to bad and it won't interfere in me doing that IUI this coming cycle. I had pretty good care there and was on morphine most of the time. I did have one nurse that I'm going to write a complaint about and the MRI run around which I got the head of administration on.
I am really hurt that none of my friends come to my blog or my myspace anymore =( Especially the last few entrys that have been important to me. I know ppl are probably getting tired of hearing the same stuff over and over again about us TTC but it is very and I mean very important to us.
Boater has been talking to his first son every couple of days . I am really hoping that we can build a relationship with him. =)
Well I hope everyone had a better weekend and start of the week then I. Take Care TTFN!!

Ohhh I have me a little artist on my hands I The other day Little Guy was drawling on his doddle thing my mom gave him and he said look mommy it's you. I was stunned that he drew what looked like a person for just turning 3 I think he did a great job what do you think? I just had to take a picture since it was on the doodle


  • At 1/27/2007 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Gosh, sorry all that happened to you. Hope you are doing lots better now. Nathans picture is soo cute. :)

  • At 2/05/2007 1:34 PM, Blogger ::Ali:: said…

    Hope your feeling better these days!!!

  • At 2/07/2007 10:45 PM, Blogger Mary said…

    Sorry I haven't been checking blogs lately. I only updated mine just the other day in a long time! Things have been quite the adjustment here...

    I didn't know you were in the hospital or having surgery. I'm glad that you are okay now. I hope you recovered quickly!!!!!!!


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