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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It's A......

(big fat negative)

OH Well on to another cycle!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

1 Week Down 1 More To Go!!

Hello, how are ya's? I'm doing pretty good I guess. It's been one week since the IUI and I am getting very anxious. I am having major doubts that it worked. I have had sore bbs but cracked that up to being the trigger shot since it does contain the pregnancy hormone. I tested today to see if the trigger was still in my system and it was a neg so YAY thats gone now I can obsess over or lack there of. I still have sore bbs and a little cramping but I think it may be from the prometrium (progesterone) they have me taking vaginally twice a day. I know I'm suppose to be thinking positive but it's hard when BFN (big fat negatives) is all you get. I'm thinking about testing at home before I go get the blood test on the 27th even though I won't get the results till the afternoon. I just don't want to be bawling like a big baby when they call to tell me it's a BFN.
It has been 4 months today since I smoked a cigarette!!! WOO HOOO!!
Everything else is going good. Boater hasn't called his first son since we went to lunch and he hasn't called Boater either. Boater is a little upset on how he left with out really saying goodbye. I hope he calls him tonight but we will see. I hope everyones having a good day. Take Care!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

And The Count Down Begins!!!

Hi, how are ya's? I hope everyones doing good =) I'm doing pretty good except for missing free coffee at
Well Tuesday was the day. Boater came home early he was suppose to drop his guys off at 11:45 well he didn't feel comfortable with that so he called to see if he could do it there and he was able to. My appointment for the IUI was at 1:15 so he didn't think he had time to go do that then come and pick up me and Little Guy and make my appointment. I had never gotten ready so quick. I had 20 minutes to brush my teeth, put my make-up on, do my hair, and finish getting dressed. We got there and me and Little Guy hung out in the truck. Boater didn't take long at all so we had like an hr to mess around. We went to the mall and let Little Guy ride the merry go round, then we got him some ice cream and us some Starbucks. I am sooo hooked on there pumpkin spice lattes. We then drove for like 20 mins and it was finally time for the IUI. Wow it sure was quiet in there nothing like it is in the morning, but I didn't have to wait long. The doctor came in the rm and went over stuff and you have to verify that your getting the right stuff and they also ask for your ID. He said that this procedure only needs 5 million swimmers and after Boater's were washed we had 21 million woo hoo. The whole process took only 5 minutes. I was expecting it to hurt but it didn't. They have you lay there for another 5 minutes when the procedures done. I now have to take prometrium (progesterone) vaginally twice a day untill I get the blood test done. When we came home I took a nice nap (I had been really tired since the trigger shot) and Boater took Little Guy to the park. Please if you are reading this say a little prayer for us that were gonna catch that eggie. Thanks!! I go in on the 27th of this month for a blood pregnancy test. Please dear lord let it be positive!!! Take Care!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

A Great Day!!

Hello pep's how is everyone? I'm great I had a pretty good day yesterday.
I had to get up at 5 AM to get ready to go to the doctors. I had a 9 am appointment but they called and said to try to be there at 8 AM since they were going to be very busy. They weren't that busy when we first got there, but boy did it get busy quick. All I was there for was the usuall bloodwork and ultrasound which was done pretty quick. My one and only follie (what holds the egg) grew and was 19.3 WOOO HOOO they said I would probably trigger that night and have my IUI (intrauterine insemination) on Tuesday but I had to wait till they got my bloodwork back. They called in the early afternoon and said it was a go!! YAY!!!! I am soo excited. I sooo pray the first one works. Boater gave me the trigger around 8:30 pm . It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, needles don't bother me. I just wished he was a little
Yesterday afternoon Boater and I met up and had dinner with his ex and their son her hubby and another son she has at Olive Garden. I was soo nervous. It went ok I guess Boaters son didn't talk much but that could be because he stutters . All in all it was ok. I think we'll be going to her house next so Little Guy can meet his brother. I'm hoping anyway.
The only bad part of the day was when we came home from the docotrs and found out Little Guy was sick. He was vomiting and had a little diarrhea. I got him to sleep and he woke up once to throw up then I got him to sleep again and he woke up like an hr later and seemed like his old self. My mom said he didn't throw up anymore and still hasn't. Today he is back to normal. I guess it was just a 24 hr bug .
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Take Care!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Hello, how are ya's? I'm doing better.I hope everyone's having a nice weekend.
I went in for another follie scan on Friday and I have a bunch of small follies on my right ovary (still none they could measure) and on my left ovary I have one measuring 13.8. I asked her what they like them to messure and she said 18 so I go back today to get it looked at again. I am so excited to have one. I was hoping for 2 but it only takes one right.
Guess what else? Boater talked to his first son and his ex and his son does want to meet me. He thought I had all his business on a website like do you know this person type of thing. So we are going out to dinner today. It's going to be Boater and I, His ex, her hubby Boaters son and another son his ex has. We would take Little Guy but he don't do well in restaurants I am so nervous I could Please wish me luck for today I sure could use it.
Little Guy is doing pretty good. We got him a game for his v-smile and you have to put your name in it and he can almost spell his name he is off on the last 2 letters. He just amazes me more and more everyday.
Well got to run. Take care!!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Rough Day!!

Hello, how's everyone? I'm doing ok I guess. I had a really rough day yesterday.
I went yesterday morning for my cd 11 workup. They take blood and check for follicals to see how many you have and what size they are. Well the tech said my lining was perfect but didn't have any follicals on either ovary that she could messure. There were a bunch of small ones. I asked if this cycle was a bust and she said no not yet that I may have to take more meds she wasn't sure. I was so upset I almost bawled my eyes out right there but I waited till I got in the truck. So my nurse called me this afternoon after the doctor looks over my ultrasound and bloodwork and said that he wants me to come in on Friday for another look which will be cd 14. I asked the nurse what happens if there is no change and she said that some woman go till cd 20.
I had Boater call his ex because she wanted us to go out to dinner and we haven't heard from her in like 2 weeks. Well a little bit after he got off the phone he said to me "she said something that is bothering me" so I was like ok what was it he said that she said that she talked with their son and he don't want to meet me right now, that I am to pushy because I made a myspace page and aired out their business". I was both hurt and pissed more hurt though. I doubt he has even seen the myspace page to begin with. All I have on Boater's space is where it has who I like to meet I put his first son. I didn't put his name or anything else and further more there he hardley has any friends on his myspace and bearly gets any visitors. I made that myspace for Boater in the hopes that maybe his son myspaced and if he ever looked Boater up then he would see that Boater wanted to meet him. Also ppl that know Boater know he has another son I mean come on. I just don't know how someone can judge you with out even knowing you.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Blog Challenge # 2

If you were given $100 RIGHT NOW for you to go buy whatever you want, on yourself, where would you spend it and on what?

I would pamper myself. I would go and get a full body massage and if I had any $ left over I would get a manicure and a pedicure. Gosh that sounds sooo fun =)
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