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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Monday, June 11, 2007


Looks like IVF is not an option for us at this time. The insurance isn't covering what we hoped they would and with me being a SAHM we just decided to do a few more IUI's and if that don't work which my RE feels very optimistic that it will. We will save up for IVF probably early next yr. Our truck gets paid off in July so thats going to be a lot more money for us and we don't really have a lot on Boaters credit card. I was even thinking about getting a job not because we need the money but I think there are a few stores I could work at part time and get like 25 thousand for infertility treatments but thats only if the IUI's don't work and plus I could use the time just to get out more =).
We enrolled Little Guy into an Early Learning Program that starts this upcoming school yr. He'll go every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30-1:30. The only thing I don't like is that he will be getting put into the 3 yr old program and will be 4 two months after it starts. I hate that since his birthday is in November he will be with some kids that are a yr younger then him. I just don't want him to get bored. He is so intelligent, he is always amazing me. I just know he'll love it (hopefully he will I just love that little bugger to pieces =) I thank god everyday for him.
Well I guess I'll update when I start the nect IUI cycle. Take care!!!!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

It Was....

Another BFN!! =(
(Big Fat Negative)

I had Boater call our financial coordinator Wednesday to see if we were able to do another IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) and if it didn't work again would we still be able to do IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) He said we would probably be able to do an IVF cycle. So we meet with our RE yesterday. He wanted to do a few more IUI's because he feels I will get pregnant this way but our problem is money. Our insurance pays 10 thousand for infertility and that's it. We have already used almost half of that. So we will probably go for one cycle of IVF if it gets approved through the insurance. The medicine for this cost's anywhere between 3-4 thousand, we are hoping the insurance company will help pay for them.
They do have a program thats called "IVF Shared Risk Refund Program"
For a fixed fee, you have six chances to overcome infertility through IVF. And if treatment isn't successful you'll receive a 100% refund.
Guess what the fixed fee is????? 20 thousand dollars. Ummm does anyone have some money I can
I may just take a break for a month to just relax and chill, not sure.
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