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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Friday, June 09, 2006


Hello ladies, how is everyone today? I'm ok. I went Wednesday and got that tooth pulled , he didn't have to cut it out it came out in one piece. I was so nervous since I didn't really get numb the week before, but I did get numb this time while he was waiting for it to set in he did the post and core on the other tooth he did a root canal on. Yay!! I don't go back for 2 weeks. He's going to fill some cavities and hopefully put the crown on my one tooth. I have to do the bleaching kit for a week before I go. My mouth still really hurts and I'm still swollen. I have been on amoxicillin since last Friday.
I even called my ob at the hospital yesterday to make sure the amoxicillin wouldn't effect the clomid, so I started that yesterday. I am so looking forward for it to kick in so AF won't be so heavy. I hate taking something to bring it on.
We might go out Boating next week when Boater has off. He said that he will take the boat out Tuesday and see how it is then on Wednesday me and Little Guy will go with him. I need to get some sunscreen for him.
Little Guy's doing good. I just wish I knew how to get him to stop jumping on everything. I am so affraid he's going to get hurt bad one day. Last night Boater went to bed and Little Guy likes to go in there with him and he pulls the covers over him and hide and wants me to come in and find him. Well as I was getting ready to go in there I hear this big thump which was Little Guy hitting the floor. He did hit his head and seemed to be ok I put ice on it and kept an eye on him and of course he did this at 9:50 PM so he got to stay up past his bed time. He can be so silly some times. Here's a pic of him from yesterday he has his daddy's socks and shoes on and this silly bee hat ohh and he posed for me it's a little dark though =(

I have no clue where he got that hat at but it's Well I guess thats about it here nothing not yet anyway. Take Care!!


  • At 6/09/2006 1:21 PM, Blogger Blue said…

    Princess is big on jumping, too. She also put Sailor's socks and shoes on the other day, it was sooo cute! I wish I would've gotten a picture!

  • At 6/12/2006 10:47 AM, Blogger ::Ali:: said…

    Oh Hunter LOVES to wear my things..LOL THAT IS A FUNNY BUT CUTE HAT!!
    AWW What an adorable little hambone!
    And jumping, haha get used to it, my kids still think my furniture is a jungle

  • At 6/14/2006 11:41 AM, Blogger Nae said…

    AWWWWW, how cute he is in that pic! I love it.

  • At 6/14/2006 9:27 PM, Blogger Mary said…

    Okay I KNOW I replied to this post because I remember thinking how stinkin' cute Little Guy looked!!
    :( What's up with blogger?!


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