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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hello Pep's =)

Hello everyone, how are ya's? I'm pretty good. Not to much has been going on. We did get the new pool liner installed Tuesday morning and the pool is filled up and finally ready to swim in YaY!! Well it just needs to warm up a little. We did get a solar heater panel for it so we are hoping to start going swimming this Sunday we also wanted to make sure the sand settled again. Little Guy can't wait to go in it.
I posted this on MO but wanted to post it here to Boater was looking on the website for Thomas the tank engine and found out that they have whats called a day out with Thomas The event provides an opportunity for kids to ride on board a train led by Thomas and have their pictures taken with Sir Topham Hatt, the Controller of Thomas' Railway. They will be in our area in late September it cost $16.00 for a 22 mintue ride with Thomas or you can pay $ 22 and ride with Thomas and get a 45 mintue ride on another train plus they have things from petting zoos and pony rides to face-painting and magic shows - . In addition, every location includes a special viewing station for Thomas & Friends videos, story time and temporary tattoos of the Island of Sodor. Little Guy has not stoped talking about it and I can't get him to understand that he has to wait a while till we I think he's gonna have so much fun. I'm gonna take my new camera and takes pic's and we might even take the camcorder.
We haven't been out on the boat ever since the truck left us stranded. Boater has to put everythng back in it like the seats. the trolling motors, and his fish finder. I am loosing my tan =(
Well I'm on cd 20 now and still don't know if I've ovulated yet or not. I still have not gotten any positives on my OPK's or a peak on my monitor, I am on ov (ovulation) day 2 on my watch. I am temping but it's been getting messed up cuz your suppose to temp as soon as you wake up before you do anything and you have to have so many hrs sleep. The last few weeks my mom's dog has woken me up barking as soon as my mom leaves for work. UGH!! Today I was woken up at 4 AM by Boater I had just went to sleep around 2 something. I had forgotten to bring his clothes up, then the dog woke me up at 6:30 I did temp but didn't record it since my sleep got all messed up. I am not starting the prometrium until I think I have ovulated. I have heard it will stop you from ovulating. Oh I wish and pray so much that I get pregnant this month.
Welp I guess thats it I have such a boring Take Care Everyone!!


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