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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Took the Test!!

I was really hoping to post that the test was positive but unfortunately it was negative. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. It is really hard to write this post. I called the doctor this morning to find out where I go from here. She wants me to start the prometrium tomorrow same as before for 10 day's then when I get my cycle she's having me take the clomid day's 3-7 instead of day's 5-9 at 150 mg when last month it was 100 mg, then I will take estrogen twice a day from day's 8-11 and one in the morning on the 12th day I forget when she said for me to have sex then I will be on the prometrium again but vaginally (sp) twice a day from day 17 I think for the rest of the time I'm not sure I was really overwhemled (sp). They are suppose to send me a chart to better explain it. I was really surprised she didn't have me come in and get a blood test but I guess the home test are very accurate. I guess it's just not my time yet. I want to thank everyone who has been thinking of me and saying prayers for me I really appreciate it. So please keep saying a little prayer that I will be pregnant soon.
Blue you are still in my thoughts and my fingers are still crossed for you =) remember think positive.
Sorry I haven't posted about it earlier but wanted to talk to hubby first.
I haven't really felt like doing much today but I did get Little Guy's spongebob table moved along with his toys to a different part of the living room . I am hoping to get my desk set up. I should be getting my new pc on Friday woo hoo. I can't wait =) . I changed the song =) did ya notice, I don't really like country but this song just touches my heart.
I hope all my blogging friends have a great day!
oh here's apic of Little Guy trying to hide from the camera yesterday after his shower =)


  • At 2/08/2006 10:12 PM, Blogger Nae said…

    Sorry to hear about the negative JC. Hopefully this time around sweetie it will happen for you and Boater. I kinda know how you feel, I have the same thing wrong with me as you do. I have not tried to get pregnant but I remember what it was like taking test after test for months and not getting that positive - it is heartwrenching. Just remember sweetie we are here for you and rooting for you.

    That pic of Little Guy is just addorable such a cutie!

  • At 2/08/2006 10:39 PM, Blogger Jayme Downs said…

    First off, I LOOOOVE that song, it's a favorite of mine. I'm a country lover though, ;)

    Second, I'm sorry to hear about the negitive results. :( Let me see if I can throw something positive about it.....

    ...ok, :) Perhaps if you think of it like this... the more you have to try, the sweeter that little baby will be... ;)

    Awww, I love that pic of Little Guy!

  • At 2/08/2006 10:56 PM, Blogger Mary said…

    I'm so sorry about the negative test today!! I really admire you and Blue for going thru all of this, I know it's an emotional strain and so hard. I will pray that this next round will work!!!!

    That song has got me stuck on your blog. It's such a powerful song. It didn't make much sense at first but after, oh the 5th time hearing it I get it.

    Lil'Guy is such a cutie!!!

  • At 2/08/2006 11:15 PM, Blogger JC said…

    Thanks Ladies for being there just knowing you care means a lot to me. It has been a hard day. Boater has been great =) I don't know if I'll be taking the prometrium tomorrow or Friday. The pharmacy didn't fill my meds because the docotrs office called it in all weird and they didn't understand it so I'll have to wait to get them tomorrow so I'm gonna call the nurse back to make sure it will be ok to start taking them tomorrow afternoon. I just hope all these hormones don't make me really cranky. I didn't have to go through all this to get pregnant with Little Guy but I guess a lot has changed in 3 years.

  • At 2/09/2006 12:00 AM, Blogger Blue said…

    I'm so sorry! I had my hopes up for you, too! My fingers are crossed that you'll get your positive next month! I've been thinking about you all day today and waiting for you to post...and yes, I've been stalking your blog. Good luck!

  • At 2/09/2006 11:14 AM, Blogger JC said…

    I don't mind if you gals stalk Gina your so silly. Thanks for the laugh I needed it =)


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