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A place where I come just to jot down my thoughts and feelings =)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Saw Santa Today

We got up early today and took Little Guy to see Santa =) . I dressed him in his Christmas outfit not that you can really see his sweater =(. He was so excited to go see Santa. The drive to the Mall Little Guy kept saying where's Santa Clause. We get there and thank god there was no line there were like 2 in front of us. When it was our turn Boater put Little Guy on Santa's lap and he started crying =( We did get an ok picture after about 5 . Santa was playing patty cake with him.

After we went and saw him we went and got Little Guy a bunch of toys. Then we stoped in to look at the trains. We came home feed Little guy and changed him then back out we went. Then came back home and had my brother watch him and we went out again. I am so pooped =) but it was a good day . Came home and helped hubby make potatoe salad for his party at his work . Ohh the guy came out and fixed the door so we can use the oven now YAY!!! something inside was slanted a little plus it was missing a screw wow it's a brand new stove maybe from moving it around . We are going to be working on putting everything back in the kitchen this week everything needs to be washed I am so glad we now have a dishwasher it's so pretty it is stainless steel inside and out . I still haven't heard anything from my doctor and I am still bleeding. I don't know how much longer I can put up with it. Well I'm off to wtch my soaps =)


  • At 12/20/2005 11:01 AM, Blogger Mary said…

    Yay, the Santa trip did go well!! That's such a cute photo too!
    Sounds like you got lots of shopping done. I still have a few more things to get.

    Oh and YAY on the oven and dishwasher!!

  • At 12/20/2005 11:24 AM, Blogger JC said…

    I still have lots of shopping to do to. We will be going out either Friday or Saturday to finish up. Hopefully we'll go Friday I really don't want to be shopping on Christmas Eve =)

  • At 12/21/2005 3:54 PM, Blogger ::Ali:: said…

    YAAY! On the oven getting fixed, I would of been going insane too!!
    Now hopefully Boater will take ya to get the cookie stuff..LOL
    That photo of Little Guy and the big man is sooooo cute!!
    I feel so bad I have not taken Sonderful or Sonshine =(


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